Place the mouse pointer over a day to view more detailed information on absences and tardies. A color legend identifies the type of attendance displayed. Month View – Displays a month-view of the student’s attendance that can be toggled to access all months within the current school year.Previous and future months can also be displayed. Checkboxes are provided for configuring the type of information that displays, while buttons are included for changing the calendar to a daily or week view. Calendar – Displays a month-view of the student’s attendance, scheduling, and grades.Links are provided for viewing details on individual courses, accessing student fee information, and emailing teachers. Previous and future weeks can also be displayed. Week View – Displays a student’s attendance, scheduling, and grades for the current week.The following pages can be accessed using the menu options in the HAC banner. Most HAC pages also include links that when clicked, display a window with additional details. Clicking a tab displays the page indicated.

For example, the Grades option displays a page with tabs on Interim Progress Reports (IPR), Report Cards, and other subjects associated with grading. Clicking an icon displays a page with related tabs, each of which is a self-contained page of information on your student. The menu options in the Home Access Center banner provide access to HAC’s main pages. Parents / Guardians and Students can use Home Access Center to view student information. Home Access Center (HAC) is a browser-based student information system that allows you to view student grades, attendance and scheduling information as it is entered in the school district’s database.